Monday 13 February 2012

Jesus was an only Son

Even if you don’t work for three months while on “Paternal Leave” that really doesn’t leave you much time for writing if you’ve got a wee one you’re looking after….

The above song doesn’t mean that Jesus was an only child. Mary and Joseph had other children after the birth of Christ. It refers to the fact that Jesus was alone on his walk up to his crucifixion.  He was abandoned by everyone but a very few of the faithful, about as useful as the lone voice crying out in the wilderness. He did nothing, but said nothing in his defense as he went to slaughter for us. So utterly alone for the first time ever, having even his Father God shun him for the sin He was about to take onto his shoulders for us.

This is another lesson for the wee baby Aeryn to learn one day.  There are going to be times were the right thing is going to be in front of you. To walk that narrow path is going to truly walk alone, the only others you encounter will give you nothing but scorn and mockery.  The question is not how far the road goes, but if you have the constitution, the depth of faith, to see it to where it goes.  Being white and a Christian (a true Christian, more on that later) is not popular. Read the book of Revelation, it is going to become even less popular (probably due to our own doing) and doing the right thing will make your stand out more and more.  Life is hard now, and it is not going to get easier. As the saying goes, the only easy day was yesterday. I pray for the wisdom to teach my daughter how to make the hard choices  and walk the hard narrow road.  To teach her discern the right from the wrong.  To not only to teach her the strength to defend herself physically but also the mental endurance to carry on through the hail storms of life.

Father God, please do not let my child walk alone. Please do not turn away from her as you did from your son while he was on the cross. I need your help not to fail, that her sin is so great you cannot look upon her. Give me the wisdom and endurance to walk the hard road in raising her, not to let the world do that job for me. I know that I am a workload of my own, give me larger shoulders so that I can not only better myself in your ways but also to shoulder the burden of my wife and child, for I know I will be held to account for how I lead them as well. Help me protect the sheep you have given me, help me protect them from the wolves.

In the precious name of your son and our Sheppard, Jesus Christ, Amen.

Just a Sheepdog