Tuesday, 3 July 2012

grab bag of thougts

Between work and being a husband and father and home owner, much has been on my mind as of late, with little time to commit it to "paper". I have a few things I want to write about, but not able to focus on one topic. So I’m going to take a shotgun approach to tonight’s post and just hit bullet points on some topics I’ve been rolling around in my mind and will probably expand on later.

What’s the line between providing for my wife and kid and spoiling / ruining them?
·        I am raising an adult, not a child. She’ll be an adult a lot longer than being my baby girl (Lord willing)
·        My own sin has made me fat and lazy over the last number of years. I'm starting to  overcome it now, how do i stop her from making my same mistakes?
·        How do I teach her how to be responsible for her own happiness and not dependant on stuff?
·        How do I teach her how to use anger properly? Christ used it without being rash to clear the temple…
·        Feminism and the modern woman vs scripture and the benefits of the traditional family, all that vs. today’s disaster that are families and the education system.

So, if any of that looks interesting to you or have points of your own, let me know. Her smiles and laughter can snap me out of the deepest funks, and I feel the weight of my responsibility to not screw her up. On her wedding day, my wife and I want to look her husband in the eye, shake his hand and say “You’re welcome” and walk away. But know this sweetie, one call and your room is always ready.

Love your “Sheepdog” dad.


  1. I am glad you think about such things. Remember to also pray about these things. You may be a sheepdog, but you also have a shepherd who is leading you. AND You have a Father in heaven who is the best father you could ask for. Follow His example and rely on Christ's strength to lead them in His ways. We are strongest on our knees.

  2. If you're in the position that we are in, how do you not pray about these things? Oh, I know I serve the shepherd and pray often. That doesn't mean he lowers the Ark in a beam of light and give us the answers though. All of this is different for all of us and the implementation can be as unique as we are too. I would assume it's also different from kid to kid. I pray for wisdom James 1:5 "If any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask of God, who gives to all men liberally, and reproaches not; and it shall be given him."
